11 Inspiring Modern Bedroom Design Ideas

Do you see modern bedroom decor ideas in magazines and movies and think, “I want that”. It looks simple and then the more you think about it, you realize that there is a lot of work involved.

Sometimes it’s just knowing where to begin. Once you decide on some key elements, the rest of the decisions start to fall into place. So, if it is time to refresh your bedroom…

Here are some modern bedroom decor ideas to get you inspired on your journey.

1 | Combine neutral and bright colors

Modern Bedroom Ideas

If you want a bright, fresh looking room, paint the walls white and use pastel accented bed linens and accessories. This color scheme is not the only way to go but it is a tried and true approach to a classic modern bedroom decor.

2 | Keep it open.

Modern Bedroom Ideas

For the ultimate modern bedroom, keep it open and spacious as possible. Consider removing the walls to your en suite to give the that luxurious feeling of open space.

3 | Bring in the natural light.

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Natural light is always welcome and makes the room feel bigger, brighter and more welcoming. If your natural light is limited consider installing larger windows or a skylight. Installing light coloured hard stone or wood flooring. This will reflect light and make the most of the light that you do have.

4 | Add natural textures

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Natural materials can add a beautiful modern feel to your bedroom decor! Wood can be used in so many ways beyond just flooring. There are endless possibilities when you use wood to design accent walls, floating shelves, window coverings, furniture and accessories. Also consider things like potted plants, a fabric accent wall, stone accents

5 | How about some accent colors?

Modern Bedroom Ideas

A modern luxury aesthetic may built around a subtle, light color palette but you can add in accessories like decorative throw pillows to add some vibrancy.

Also check out 17 Relaxing Room Decor Ideas

6 | Keep the clutter out

Bedroom Design Ideas

A minimalist aesthetic is what gives a room a really modern feel. You don’t have to go extreme but try not to have many small accessories and accents. Use large significant pieces that have a strong presence.

7 | Time to upgrade your bed?

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Beds can be expensive so if there is a limited a budget, consider building your own. It can be quite simple if you build a basic frame for the bed and plan on using bed linens to cover it all. Then build a statement headboard attached to the wall. It’s a great way to bring in a completely unique element into your design.

8 | Consider a feature wall

Modern Bedroom Ideas

One of the popular modern bedroom design Ideas that we see often using wallpaper to accent one wall. Then paint the other three walls. Keep the color palette neutral but look for different geometric patterns and textures. If the budget allows, design an accent wall using wood or fabric and even stone textures.

9 | Lighting is everything

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Lighting has the final say on the mood of the room. Be sure to spend some time considering your options for ambiance. There are so many great affordable choices for lighting these days. Choose styles that blend with the room and the best tip here is to add dimmers.

10 | Make your ceiling higher

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Make your ceiling higher? Well, not really, but you can make you ceiling look taller by hanging drapes that go right from the ceiling to the floor. It’s easy and makes a huge difference.

11 | Keep it cozy

Modern Bedroom Ideas

Your modern bedroom decor style can still be comfy and cozy. Luxurious textiles for your bed coverings and accent accessories are the answer to coziness. In fact they are a must. There is nothing like a big soft, comfy duvet.

Check out these brilliant “Bedroom Makeover ideas


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